St. Peter Port, Guernsey

Today we went to St. Peter Port, Guernsey. After breakfast we queued up in the "tender" line to get a ride into port. The Cruise ship is too big to pull into port so to get there we got to ride small orange boats called Tenders.  There were some large swells so the ride was fairly bumpy but quite fun.

Once we were back on solid land we had a lovely time exploring the port, shopping and enjoying the beautiful flowers that were everywhere.

Then we grabbed a coffee to enjoy in a cute little park. This park is where we hid our first bottle of the day.  Kerry battled the sharp fronds of a palm and in the end won the battle but ended up with several wounds for her effort.  We had a pleasant chat with a Guernsey native and were visited by a small chocolate brown bird that was about the size of a robin.

After our coffee we decided to walk out to Castle Cornet. On our walk it began to lightly rain but being from Seattle it was just like home so we soldiered on.  Our fortitude paid off and  we were able to place our second bottle at the Castle entrance and get some great photos of the port, our ship, and the castle before heading back to queue up for the return ride.

Of course it waited until we were trapped in the tender queue before the heaviest rains came. Fortunately the rain passed quickly and we only had a short wait for a boat,  The return ride was just as bumpy but soon we were back aboard the Royal Princess. 

Once on board Kerry headed to our room to get dry and take a a nap while I grabbed a slice of pizza for lunch on the Lido deck where I could watched "The Who" in concert on the big screen.

After the concert finished I took some laps around the track.  The view was amazing but I wanted a  better view of the last of the tenders coming back.

I realized I could see them through the glass walkway and that there was a hidden deck closer to the water.

 It took a bit of searching but I found the door behind a bar on the Promenade deck  and was soon out on a secluded deck.  Whoohoo! No one else was out there. 

It was very relaxing watching the boats in the bay.  

This is my relaxed face.  ;)

The last returning tender was scheduled for 4:15 PM and after the last passengers were back on the ship I had a front row seat to watch them hoist the tender back up the side of the ship. It was very cool.

After it was secure I went to wake Kerry and we dressed for the first fancy dress dinner on board.

We were seated at a table with eight other people from around the US, Canada, and the UK. We had a very nice dinner conversation to go along with our wonderful meal and a fabulous chocolate and hazelnut dessert that should have put us both into a diabetic comma.

After dinner we enjoyed some Irish Folk music in the Crooner's lounge before heading back to our cabin.  What a perfect end to the day.

Tomorrow we will be in Cobh (Cork) Ireland.


  1. I am so enjoying your posts. I dont know why, but, when I read them, I hear the voice if Traveling Matt from Fraggle

    Hugs, from your other family, the Morans


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